HomeMinecraft Java EditionMinecraft 1.20How To Install Stay True Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.21.4 → 1.21.3,...

How To Install Stay True Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.21.4 → 1.21.3, 1.20

I will show you How To Install Stay True Texture pack for Minecraft 1.21.4. Stay True is an amazing resource pack, and you will love it. This is pretty new and extremely popular texture pack, it significantly improves the visuals of the entire game, and it is a new level for your game! It keeps the classic art style that Gamers love!

Stay True 1.21.4 has a tons of updates and brings lots of stuff to the game. Each block is different, and the sky looks absolutely incredible. But many other resource packs change the whole look of the game. It is not just this one, as you might think. It’s a perfect addon to your game. It’s a remaster of the vanilla texture pack. The creator did a really good job making this one.

Stay True 1.21.4 texture pack has really changed over the years, and you can enjoy non-disrupting classic gameplay along with beautiful skies and the surroundings. Some of the improvements: grass, logs, planks or even flowers! There are so many improvements that you will not believe that! Keep in mind that the standard resolution of this pack is 16x, but you can find a 64x alternative if you really want.

But the 16x is better for the low-end pc, it is much faster and reliable. So you should try both versions and see what fits you better. It always depends on you! Stay True Texture Pack is a great way to make the game better, that’s it. Let’s find out how to download & install it, it is nothing hard, all you have to do is to follow all of my steps.

How To Download Stay True Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.21.4

Let’s install the Stay True 1.19! It is nothing hard guys. Follow my steps and do this guys! So, at first, please scroll down. You can find a download section in there. Please click on the link if you can, It is nothing hard. You will appear on the redirection website that I own, I made it so don’t worry.

There is only one more link, and then you can finally download it! So please click on that and then it will take you to the curseforge website, where you can finally download this pack without any doubts. There is a download section on the right side of the website, so please find the correct version in there and simply download it. Then take the file and drop it on the desktop. Yes, you heard me, desktop. Just drop it in there and wait for more instructions. 

How To Install Stay True Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.21.4

So I believe that the Texture Pack is on the desktop, and we can continue now. Please find the Windows Search Bar, you can find it on the down left corner of the screen. Type in %appdata% please and then hit enter. This will open the roaming folder and go to the Minecraft.

Scroll down to the resourcepacks and drop in the Stay True 1.21.4 please. And that’s kinda it! Now you have to open the Minecraft Launcher, choose the correct version, and hit enter. You can now apply the pack in the settings and enjoy it! It is absolutely unbelievable and you will love it!


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