Let me show you How To Install Shaders in Minecraft 1.21.5! As I say in many of my articles, it is really easy to do it, and I will show you everything from scratch today, you won’t regret choosing my tutorial to do this. Shaders are an incredible way to increase the graphics and performance of the game. And since a new version of Minecraft is out, it is an excellent opportunity to use this. So how can we get Shaders 1.21.5? It is a great question to ask, well, we are going to download Optifine. I have a great article on How To Install Optifine 1.21.5 in Minecraft, make sure you read it. So yeah, Optifine and Sildurs Shaders, for example, you can choose whatever shader you would like to use. For me, the Sildurs Vibrant Shaders is the best one out there.
How can we do this?
There are many more shaders like: BSL Shaders, SEUS Shaders, and Lagless Shaders. These shaderpacks are really realistic, you can expect sun rays, waving grass or waving leaves on the tree.
These shaders are made for medium to high-end devices. You don’t have to worry, you can find shaders for Low End PC, take a look at my website, I have an article for that as well. Another positive thing on installing Shaders in the game is that you use Optifine mod, this will boost your performance.
Overall, your FPS will increase, and you will also get a night vision that you can appreciate as well. I don’t want to waste more time for us, I know that you are busy and want to have it soon. So before we begin, please follow all of my steps and do it carefully so you won’t do any mistakes. Ok, I think we are ready and finally, let’s get into it.
How To Download Shaders in Minecraft 1.21.5
I assume you really want to have this done. So, let’s get started, it won’t take really long. At first, please scroll down a little bit, you will see a download section, you have to download both files that are in there.
Let’s start with the first one, click on the link, and then it will take you to my redirection website. Don’t worry, it’s not adfly or something like that, It’s website that I’ve made. Click on the link again once you are there, and then you should be on the official website of Optifine.
You can find the downloads tab on the top of the website, click on that. You have to choose the correct version, which is 1.21. Download and then take the file and drop it on the desktop.
Let’s move on to the next step, click on the second link, please. Although you have to go through my redirection website again, you now know how to do it, and I believe that it’s nothing hard.
Once you appear on the curseforge website, where you can download the Sildurs Shaders, please look on the right side of the website. There is a download section so that you can download it there. Curseforge website is a magic website where you find lots of useful resources for the game like maps, texture packs, or shaders. You may look more into this website. Download the shaderpack and drop it on the desktop.
- Optifine: Click here
- Sodium: Click here
- Shaders: Click here
How To Install Shaders in Minecraft 1.21.5
I assume you have both files on the website, and that is completely fine because I want you to have them there. However, we have to install Optifine at first. So let’s get into the roaming folder where the game is installed. How do we do this? Don’t worry, I will tell you everything.
Please open the windows search bar, you can find it in the left-down corner of your screen. Please open it and then type in %appdata%, thanks to this command, the roaming folder will pop up.
Go to the Minecraft folder and then scroll down to the versions and open it. Go back to the desktop and double-click on Optifine, the installation tab will open up, and you can install the Optifine.
Then take a look at the version folder, and if you see Optifine 1.21.5 version, you did everything right, if not, then you have to repeat all of the steps that I showed you. That’s all you have to do in order to install shaders in Minecraft 1.21.5!
How To Add Shaders 1.21.5 to Minecraft
What do we have to do now? Open the Minecraft Launcher, please and go to the installations and create a new version. Please open it and then go to the settings, video settings, and shaders.
You can find a text saying open shaderpacks folder, so do it, please. You can now drag and drop the Sildurs Vibrant Shaders in it. And that’s how you add shaders to Minecraft.
What do shaders do in Minecraft?
Shaders will change the whole world. It will change the lighting system, that doesn’t sound complicated, but it really is. Thanks to that, it can transform the look of the game. Clear water, clear sky, sun rays and much more, that’s what you can expect from this.
How do you get shaders on Minecraft?
It’s nothing complicated. At first, download the shader, drag the installed file into the shaderpacks folder in minecraft installation folder. Then you have to download Optifine and install it. Open Minecraft launcher, choose the correct version and hit play, go to the settings -> video settings and enable the shaderpacks.
Are Shaders in Minecraft free?
Yes! They are all completely free. This means, if anyone wants you to pay him for a shader, don’t ever do that! All of them are completely free and if some is not, then it is a scam!