HomeMinecraft Java EditionMinecraft 1.20Distant Horizons Mod for Minecraft 1.21.5 → 1.21.4, 1.20

Distant Horizons Mod for Minecraft 1.21.5 → 1.21.4, 1.20

Have you ever heard of Distant Horizons Mod for Minecraft 1.21.5? It’s an excellent mod that will help you to increase the render distance in Minecraft. We can see a great deal farther after installing this patch than we could with the stock settings. This is remarkable since we can look deeper thanks to advanced computers. It is especially interesting on less powerful machines, even though we can view at the same distance while using less resources, or slightly extend the rendering distance while using the same resources.

Because simplified chunks are rendered outside of the conventional render distance, his technique allows you to increase the render distance without sacrificing efficiency. Stated simply, this hack lets you see farther into the game without having it resemble a slide show. You can now at last take delight in the lookout tower you created atop a mountain. As you may already know, in Minecraft, users have the ability to modify the rendering distance. You will need Forge for this tutorial about Distant Horizons 1.21.5.

Why Use the Distant Horizons Mod?

  • Massively Increased Render Distance – See further than the default Minecraft render limit.
  • Better Performance Than Vanilla – Optimized LOD rendering ensures high FPS.
  • Works With Shaders & Mods – Compatible with OptiFine, Sodium, Iris, and other modpacks.
  • Great for Exploration – View distant mountains, landscapes, and structures easily.
  • Fully Customizable – Adjust render distance, LOD quality, and performance settings.
  • Supports Multiplayer – Can be used on most servers (if allowed).

This mod is perfect for players who want an immersive Minecraft experience without sacrificing performance.

How To Download Distant Horizons Mod for Minecraft 1.21.5

Ok, let’s get right into this. I want to tell you how to actually download this mod and below, you will find out how to install it. However, the download part is the first one and the most important one. Please scroll a little bit down, you can see a downloads section in there. You can also see that there is a Distant Horizons Mod 1.21.5 and click here, so click on that. It will take you to my redirection website.

In there, you can see one download link, click on that please. You will see that the Distant Horizons Mod has started downloading. After it is done, you need to take the file and drop it on the desktop. You can also see a Forge download link in there, download it as well, we will need it for this tutorial. Once done, you can move on the installation part. If you don’t see it, please repeat the steps.

How To Install Distant Horizons Mod for Minecraft 1.21.5

Let’s install this guys! This is pretty easy and you will actually love this mod. I assume you have the Distant Horizons Mod and Forge on the desktop. Basically, go to the Windows Search Bar and type in %appdata%. This will actually open up the roaming folder, we need to get into that in order to install everything. Once you are in there, you will find Minecraft folder, open it and scroll down until you find mods.

Take the Distant Horizons Mod and drop it into the folder. Then go back and scroll down to the versions, we need to install forge. Double-click on Forge and hit install. You should see Forge 1.21.5 in the versions folder. If it’s in there, everything is ok and you can open up Minecraft and choose the Forge version and hit play. Enjoy the Distant Horizons 1.21.5 Mod for Minecraft!



1. Does This Mod Work With Shaders?

  • Yes! Distant Horizons is compatible with shader packs like SEUS, BSL, Complementary, and Beyond Belief. It works best when paired with OptiFine or Iris Shaders.

2. What Is the Maximum Render Distance?

  • You can set custom render distances up to thousands of blocks. However, the best setting depends on your PC’s performance.

3. Will This Mod Increase My FPS?

  • Yes! Minecraft’s default render distance can cause lag, but Distant Horizons optimizes performance by rendering distant terrain at lower detail.
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